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love love love
This is such a great show, and I know I’m so behind. But it is totally worth getting started if you’ve been considering it! Just a group full of imaginative and hilarious story tellers. This is definitely my comfort show…it always feels like I’m just hanging out with friends. Now, finally on episode 92 I learn that Justin was a music therapist?! Me too buddy!!! So now I feel even more like friends. Now I’m only dreading reaching episode 150…. 😭
One of the best D&D shows I’ve listened to
This show rides the perfect line between what it’s really like to play D&D, with high quality editing that makes sure the adventure for the listener never drags. There is a bit more focus to aspects such as spell components and inventory checks that makes this world feel more lived in than most. All around it is an incredibly well done campaign with characters that you’ll adore.
So gooooood!
I’ve been listening for about six months now, and after I made it through the backlog I was disappointed to realize that I’d have to wait a whole week between episodes! More episodes pleeeeeeeease!!!!! P.s. I did not like Marie at first because she replaced Karloff, but she’s grown on me. Like a wart, but nicer!
So good
I started listening to the show because I wanted to hear what other tables sounded like and get some hints on how to run a better campaign but I feel in love and can’t wait for each new episode.
Great Roleplaying
Absolutely love this show. The players are funny, the characters are interesting, and the combats are well paced. I love the intro banter and outtakes, Jo is an amazing DM, and the editing is very well done.
My happy place while at work.
One of the best things I’ve ever found by accident lol I normally use Spotify for music but came across podcasts and then almost immediately saw the Dice Shame logo pop up. I’ve been hooked since. I am maybe 20 episodes behind after 2 months or less. I’ve laughed, cried, and laugh cried so many times. Thank you so much for being something to look forward to while doing my daily grind. I love you all!
Excited about how much more I get to listen to
Love the personalities, story line and flow of the game! I'm only on episode 83. I think I started listening last week. I listen to it whenever I can and I'm so excited that I have so much more to listen to! My mom was in the hospital for four days around my birthday and this podcast made me laugh and helped make trips to and from much better. Thank you!
Y’all need a hug this is so good
Dice shame has changed the way I see podcasts and D&D. Jo puts together fantastical scenes and encounters, Harlan is witty and committed, Alex & Alex are classic and bring so much dynamic to the group being polar characters (at least combat wise), and dang it Rob I don’t know why I love Jack so much! RIP Justin, miss you and your man Craeloth - need an update after 1 year off. Only downside is that there is a lot of language, otherwise I’d could find no fault with this amazing show.
Definitely a comfort listen for me, one of the best D&D games I’ve had the pleasure of listening to, I look forward to it every Wednesday! Keep up the wonderful storytelling. We can tell you love your game.
I listen at work and it’s really the only reason I get excited about going to work, haha. Great voices and wonderful characters! I ended up listen cause I’ve already listened to Malevolent like nine times. Absolutely recommend.
Find you some friends that play like this
Excellent storytelling and chemistry between players/DM. It makes me wish I was in their group. Editing, music and effects are all top quality. Recommend 10/10.
Best Actual Play Podcast EVER!!!
As someone who consumes podcasts at an alarming rate, Dice Shame is the FIRST dnd podcast I’ve wanted to binge and then REbinge instantly! Everyone on the show is extremely talented, hilarious, and into playing their characters and weaving their story so much that it reels you into feeling right alongside them. 100/10 Please listen to this and support these incredible creators✨
Amazing, fun, and emotional
I started listening to Dice Shame February 2022 and as of September 2022 I’m re-listening from the beginning. Without giving spoilers this show is brilliant. The characters are all unique and fun, the voice actors are very talented and make it easy to forget you’re listening to an actual play versus a written story. I love that Dice Shame can be loved by all. Prefer the story? The campaign is there and interesting. Prefer character driven stories? You are in for a treat. There are laughs, horrors, and emotional trauma for all. I’m fond of episodes 100-102 yikes and wow. And episode 134. I just love it. As of the start of season two we say goodbye to one player. Thank you so much for your time, talent, and everything! But we say hello to a new one who looks like they’ll have some interesting relationships with the rest of the party. Dice Shame always makes my Thursdays better and I greatly recommend listening. The episodes keep getting better as they go from characters to background noises.
Truly great storytelling
This show is so hard to STOP listening to that in two weeks I’ve gotten through 70+ episodes. Their voice acting and character development is wonderful and leads me to believe that they a serious actors or are actually the characters they play. I jest of course, but the kindness, thoughtfulness with which they come to the table is remarkable. You can feel the love they have for one another as players and as characters, plus they are smart, deep and just a ton of fun to listen to. As a gamer they have inspired me to want to play the play more and improve my game, and as a person they’ve inspired me to tell those around me how much I care for them. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll learn a thing or two and you’ll fall in love with the entire crew.
This is an awesome podcast. You guys are so creative with how you play and you find unique ways to fight and play that I would never have thought of in my own games. Listening to you guys make me wanna play the game as smart as you guys do and it gets me even more excited to play dnd. Thank you guys
Why Aren’t You Listening To This?
Yes, this is a live D&D podcast. Yes, the cast is Canadian. DO NOT let these facts dissuade you! This is a superlative programme. Ms. Jo, the winsome DM, expertly depicts the harsh Forgotten Realms and its vicious denizens for her player-characters: Red, Jack, Dorin and Kraloth. This bunch of mild neurotics slash, skewer and incinerate their way through each challenge with gleeful aplomb. But it’s not a parade of critical hits and easy victories. What’s more, these characters are not perfect. They get on each other’s nerves sometimes (mine, too; I’m looking at you, Jack and Red), they bicker, they have to make tough moral decisions, then agonize afterwards. The players give their characters depth, which endears them to you and makes you root harder for them (even though their failures and the subsequent dice-shaming is a great time). So, do yourself a favor and subscribe straightaway. You’ll be better for it.
Best AP Podcast Ever
Happy 100th episode to the only actual play podcast I’ve ever managed to listen to more than ten episodes of! Part of that is the shorter episode times, but it’s largely because the characters are so enjoyable. The plot is fun and engaging and Jo is an excellent GM. Even if you don’t usually like actual plays, I really can’t recommend this one enough, it’s the perfect blend of comedy and action and I can’t wait to see where they go from here!
My husband has been a patron and supporter for some time now. I’m a “completionist,” however, (seriously, ask me about Red Dead Redemption and LA Noire, sometime) so I didn’t want to start until I could listen to it in large chunks. Caught up this week. And now i have to wait for the next episode like it’s the freaking dark ages. At least I can now listen with my hubby. The chemistry of the team and their real life history clearly gives them the trust to completely inhabit their character with compelling results and first-rate role-playing. Thanks. And especially, Jo. She rocks as the DM.
It’s a great time!
I heard a friend mention dice shame at dinner a few weeks ago and I can’t stop listening! The cast has great chemistry and they balance humor and drama so well. I can’t wait to get caught up. Thank you dice shame for so much awesomeness.
Great AP podcast to listen to in your free time. Among my favorites.
A great shame that it's not bigger!
Fun, energetic actual play d&d. Great performances by the players and DM. If certain big d&d podcasts have disappointed you recently, check this one out!
Shocked this isn't more popular
I've listened to a lot of D&D postcasts, few have kept my attention. This is one of the few that's grabbed me and kept me. Interesting characters. Great voice acting. Jo makes an amazing DM and weaves a very interesting story.
Absolute Top Notch Content
Finding a D&D podcast with just the right level of Comedy, Heart, and Quality Gameplay/Story-Telling is tough. I’ve started and stopped many actual play pods that just couldn’t grab my attention...and I’d end up going back and re-listening to TAZ or NADDPOD. So when I stumbled upon Dice Shame - I was genuinely thrilled to be hooked immediately. The audio quality and editing is BEYOND top notch, which automatically had my attention...then add in that they had me laughing right off the bat...sold. Characters grow throughout the show, the combats are EPIC (nailbiters every time), and they do an amazing job of playing from a campaign book but really making it their own. 10/10 would recommend - Andy
My 3rd favorite D&D podcast!
I love your podcast and your role play! My top 3 are 1. Top of The Round 2. Dungeons and Daddies 3. Dice Shame!!! I love you guys! If you look their are so many podcasts better than critical role! You guys are truly a gem in the realm of D&D podcasts!
My Favorite D&D Podcast!
I absolutely LOVE this show! The gameplay is second to the obvious chemistry the cast has. Come for the D&D, stay for the jokes and other hijinks that ensue!
My single favorite podcast
Such amazing talent in every facet. The voice acting, editing, and of course Jo’s amazing, descriptive style is captivating with each new scene. Not only the best live play podcast, also the most fun I have every week. Every episode makes me giggle and gasp.
Great Podcast
I first heard Diceshame during the Rime of the Frost Maiden podcasts. I decided I had to listen to their previous episodes. I love it! Jo is a wonderful DM. The rest of the cast is great, really getting into their characters and doing great voice work. They are going through Storm King’s Thunder and making it very interesting. I greatly recommend this podcast.
Live play that makes your wee bit jealous
A great group, that plays well off each other and clearly have a lot of experience in both playing unique characters and producing audio.
Great listen from beginning to end. I love the actual dice shaming that happens in the episode
One of my favorite D
I found this show while looking for actual play podcasts of the Storm King’s Thunder adventure, which I’m running for my party. After the first episode, I was hooked. Jo is a great DM who keeps things moving, flexes rules a bit when the game play benefits from it, and knows her stuff, making it all seem effortless (it’s not!). The players are great too — they’re clearly having a lot of fun with one another, and that makes the show fun to listen to. But there are also heavier moments, tough choices, moral quandaries, and so on. Episodes are a great length, leaving me wishing they were longer every time rather than tending to make me feel exhausted as some longer-form shows do. The Discord community around the stream (and the related INVICTUS Stream podcast) is great. When a new episode comes out each week, I stop all my other listening to fit this one in. It’s definitely worth a listen if you’re into actual play D