A sheep. There's a sheep in this one.
The party arrives in Westbridge in hopes of recieving news of Giant movement...
Within the local pub, the party meets a familiar looking Goblin...
The party is greeted with a surprising revelation after a night in Westbridge...
Something is afoot in West Bridge... something... appley...
As they approach Stone Bridge, the party encounters some big problems...
The battle rages on as the party fights to survive...
The monster in disguise attempts to deceive the party...
The party once again crossed the Stone Bridge and is moved by a human they encounter...
The party returns home after a long time away...
At the house dinner is served and some tense words are shared amongst the party...
Morning dawns and awkward conversations are afoot...
Red & Jack spend time in Waterdeep to chat over problems they're facing...
Jack confronts destiny in more ways than one...
Red and Dorin help Oren with a romantic problem...
Mairi shows hesitancy with what is to come and Red gets drunk...
With the Giant fortress before them, loyalties are tested...
After the loss of Jack and the departure of Mairi, the party must find a path forward...
Red, Dorin & Whim pursue the strange woman they met earlier and run into some trouble...
After the fight, the new fighter and Red's Rovers head outside to chat...
Red, Dorin, Whim & Tamiil head to the only person who knows anything in Deadsnows...
Upon finding the slavers encampment, the party discovers and unexpected being...