The Party travels to Nightstone to begin their quest...
Recovering from their fight, the Party returns for round two...
The Party takes aim at an unlikely source for information...
An unexpected arrival makes life in Nightstone a little trickier...
After a near fatal brush with the enemy, the team must regroup...
A sizable force turns their attention to Nightstone and the heroes within...
Our heroes seek out the missing townsfolk and run into a sticky situation...
An oppressive darkness surrounds the party as they move forward into the cave...
Old friends reunite once again through the grace of Moradin...
The team must confront life and death as they return to Nightstone...
Upon leaving Nightstone, the party experiences a harrowing event...
After receiving some life altering news, the party encounters some questionable foes...
The adventurer's arrive in the town of Golden Field just before High Harvesttide
High Harvesttide has arrived and the boys reflect on what has happened thus far...
A cry breaks the silence of the night as a sizable force attacks Golden Fields...
The battle continues as our heroes face their first BIG threat...
The giants are here, the first battle is about to begin... get psyched.
The party wraps things up in Golden Fields before hitting the open road
The team continues towards Waterdeep, stopping in Amphail on the way...
The party finally arrives in Waterdeep; the City of Splendor, for a short rest before continuing their grand adventure...
Our heroes seek out a Dragon expert in the City of Waterdeep to help combat the Giant threat...
The party finishes their business in Waterdeep before deciding where to head next...
The party leaves Waterdeep behind and sets off to unearth a mystery and some feelings...
The party continues on their way despite a cloud hanging over their heads...