The team heads to the forgotten ruins of a Dwarven kingdom in search of an ancient artifact...
The party travels north, to Icewind Dale to answer a call for help from an old friend...
The party returns from Icewind Dale ready to start a new chapter...
A fight breaks out in the middle of the night as the party confronts loss...
A dark cloud follows the party as they try to move forward in their adventure...
The party begins to crack as loyalties are questioned...
Tensions reach a boiling point as the party enters a town with a haunted past...
The party, divided, must find a way to become whole again...
After vanquishing the enemy, the party comes to a breaking point...
Despite things seemingly back on track, the party has one last secret to unearth...
The party gets jumped by a cluster of Spiders within the High Forest...
As the party arrives at Shadowtop Cathedral, they find themselves with a bit of downtime...
Things get serious as the quest for true loves reaches a breaking point...
With the tunnels clear, the party is about to start...
There is cause for celebration in the air as the Party attends an unusual event...
The party is finally ready to leave Shadow Top Cathedral, only they still haven't met their contact...
A moment of respite is interrupted by the return of an enemy thought to be vanquished...
The party, surviving an ambush, pushes on towards Everlund...
A party arrives in Everlund and seeks out the Wizard for help...
The team starts out on the road to find the source of the problem in the North...
Things get serious as the party struggles to navigate a very sensitive situation...
Combat begins as the party is beset on all sides by an army...
The party gains unexpected help from the Dwarves after the battle ends...